Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Cold morning.

I have to say right off the bat, that today started off a very good day. There is nothing worse, IMHO, than waking up hot and sweaty, it is an awful feeling. Today, when I woke up, it was because the bitter chill of an almost fall morning had come creeping into my bedroom and gently nudged me into conciousness. As I scrambled to get my husband off the comforter, I smiled, just a little bit, at the thought of finally being cool at bedtime again. There is nothing better than a freshly made bed and a crisp autumn breeze to help you snuggle into it. I am anxiously anticipating that moment. I do enjoy the fall. If not for the sweatshirt weather than for the sheer fact that my birthday week kicks it off! Labor Day party, RedWings, Turkey's, snowballs and Santa Clause. Only ten more months until summer!


Elizabeth Downie said...

I like your blog!! I just blogged about fall this morning - you should check it out. I'm looking forward to reading your blog! :)

jules said...

Aww...thanks. I just got this....can you make it so these comments go to your email?